How do I buy a domain from you?
First tell us what you are looking for - You can call, email us or use the contact form. If we have the domain already listed with the major auction houses, we will provide you a link that makes the buying and transfer process extremely easy. If we dont have it listed, we will provide you with what we believe to be a fair market price. If you agree, we will send you an invoice along with payment instructions. We handle most direct transactions through paypal, however if an escrow service is desired, that can also be arranged, although there could be additional fees associated with it. All of our domains are priced for a fast sale, but if you'd like to make a counter-offer to any of our listed domains, please dont hesitate to contact us. The domains that we offer can be managed virtually by any provider.
What factors determine the value of a domain name?
Although never an exact science, here's how we assess the value of a domain:
- Potential for self-explanation: Is the domain self-explanatory? Is it easy to imagine the website content from the domain name?
- Memorability: Can you tell somebody at home or a firend the domain name and then check whether they can remember it well enough to type it in the browser.
- Popularity: Using google, type in the keyword to see the number of hits.
- Type-ins: What is the probability that someone enters the exact domain name into their browser.
- Dictionary names or combinations: If it is listed in dictionaries or encyclopedias, then the keyword and the related domain name is a more likely search string and likely to score a hit from a potential customer.
- Commercial usability: The commercial potential of a domain is a decisive factor in its price.
- Domain Length: Generally shorter domains are better than longer ones. It makes it easy to remember.
- Search Engine Optimization: Keywords present in the domain name help tremendously in it's search engine rank.